A young, closeted, conservative congressman discovers a mysterious stuffed aardvark on his doorstep and sets out on a rip-roaring journey to find out what it means.
It's early one morning on a hot day in August, and millennial congressman Alexander Paine Wilson (R), planning his first reelection campaign and in deep denial about his sexuality, receives a mysterious, over-sized FedEx delivery on his front stoop. Inside is a gigantic taxidermied aardvark.
This outrageous, edge-of-your-seat novel hurtles between contemporary Washington, DC, where Wilson tries to get rid of the unsightly beast before it destroys his career, and Victorian England--where we meet Titus Downing, the taxidermist who stuffed the aardvark, and Richard Ostlet, the naturalist who hunted her. Our present world, we begin to see, has been shaped in profound and disturbing ways by the secret that binds these men.
Enter the Aardvark
Product Information
Enter the Aardvark | Paperback
ISBN: 9781784165185
Publisher: Transworld Publishers Ltd
Publication Date:11 Mar 2021
Genre: Comedic Parody - Fiction
Pages: 192
Dimensions: 127 x 197 x 18 (mm)
Language: EnglishQueer Representation
Queer Men