The critically-acclaimed series concludes as Daphne Walters must confront her former roommate Michelle, discover the mystery of just who’s behind that basement door and decide her entire future - this should be totally easy, right?
Daphne Walters’ life is complicated enough, living at Rycroft Manor with her ghostly friends and trying to figure out why everyone in LA is always 30 minutes late for everything important.
So it’s TOTALLY the perfect time for Daphne to lose one of her friends, for the mystery of the ghost behind the basement door to be revealed and for Daphne to decide her entire future, RIGHT?
And did we forget to mention that Daphne’s former roommate Michelle just unveiled a scheme to exorcise the friendly ghosts from Rycroft? Yeah, there’s that too.
Collects Ghosted in L.A. #9-12
Ghosted in L.A. Vol. 3
Product Information
Ghosted in L.A. Vol. 3 | Paperback
ISBN: 9781684156047
Publisher: Boom! Studios
Publication Date: 18 Feb 2021
Pages: 112
Dimensions: 169 x 258 x 10 (mm)
Language: EnglishQueer Representation
Queer Women
Own Voices