Imogen has an exciting new neighbor!
Alex just moved from the big city back into her late parents' house, and she seems to have it all: She's a cool single mom with a thriving career, a fun look, and a cosmopolitan life of adventure. Imogen certainly has dreams of a more carefree life, but being a stay-at-home mom of four is a more-than-full-time job—one that doesn't pay very well—and that's all she can handle. How does Alex do it? She's captured Imogen's imagination.
But what we see on the surface isn't always the whole story. Alex's return has given her a lot to ponder. Her parents are gone, and she's just starting to realize her privileged childhood wasn't as happy as it seemed. Now she's adrift, learning how to relate after a lifetime of pushing everyone away.
Chance brought these two fast friends together . . . and everything that happens next is unlike anything they could have planned!
Product Information
Motherlover | Paperback
ISBN: 9781638991465
Publisher: Iron Circus Comics
Publication Date: 19 Jun 2025
Genre: Adult Slow-Burn Romance - Graphic Novels
Pages: 320
Dimensions: 215 x 152 (mm)
Language: EnglishQueer Representation
Queer Women
Queer Parents