In this extraordinary novel, Laurie Weeks captures the exuberance and mortification of a lesbian junkie as she navigates the chaos and horror of everyday life. Through longing monologues to Vivian Leigh, ranting letters to Sylvia Plath and to-do lists that never get done, Zipper Mouth gives us an unforgettable protagonist caught in a spiral of addiction, unrequited love, and mental health crises, and the effortlessly hilarious and strange inner workings of her mind. A messy and raw depiction of striving to live in a world that doesn’t cater to your brain chemistry, Zipper Mouth is an outstanding work of queer fiction.
Come for the exalted nightclub epiphanies, stay for the devastating morning-after hangovers.
Zipper Mouth
Product Information
Zipper Mouth | Paperback
ISBN: 9781917008099
Publisher: Cipher Press
Publication Date: 10 Apr 2025
Genre: Contemporary Fiction - Fiction
Pages: 186
Dimensions: 198 x 129 (mm)
Language: EnglishQueer Representation
Queer Women